Improving ADAS / AD test drive quality with smart logging and live labelling

In this 60-minute webinar Bastian Speth, Senior Technology Manager at Elektrobit, will present a high-performing test vehicle logging device that uses AI technology to capture only the data you need and improve test quality and results.



During the session, the expert will explain how smart logging can improve the quality of data logging, save time and money during development and validation, and provide details of possible applications.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Gain insight into Elektrobit’s automotive-grade PC systems for logging sensor data and replaying them in a simulated environment
  • Discover how smart logging can help overcome the challenges of increasing vehicle complexity and shorter development times
  • Find out how a smart logging feature can be used for every kind of object as a start or stop trigger to record just what you need


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Webinar recording


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