EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.7 released

EB Assist ADTF version 3.12.7 has been released

Main features:

  • Changes in ADTF Configuration Editor
    • Improve auto-layout regarding Active Runner
    • Handle included graphs with same name
    • Make the reload of adtfenvironment files more robust
  • Common adaptions regarding SDK and delivered components
    • Correct DDL and alignment
    • Warning: If you had created adtfplugins using ADTF 3.12.6 we strictly advise to rebuild them with ADTF 3.12.7 !
    • Repair termination of Attached Files
    • Make the ADTF Media Description Service also discover the outputs of ADTF Substream Selector
  • Please refer to ADTF 3.12.7 Changelog


This version is available on the EB Command server.