Personalizing the Android Automotive-based cockpit: How AI can enhance the driving experience

Opening the digital cockpit user interface (UI) for personalization through artificial intelligence (AI) adds to an immersive, entertaining, and satisfying driving experience.



Expressing our identity is a major need in all aspects of life. When it comes to our vehicles, we select the model, paint job, materials, rims, etc. The evolution of our cockpits expands personalization possibilities beyond physical to digital aspects: The user interface (UI) on screens, voice assistants, lighting systems.
As AI and especially generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), large language models (LLM) are entering our vehicles, human-like conversation between user and machine becomes a vital feature for OEMs to differentiate from competitors.
Opening the human machine interface (HMI) UI for personalization through AI, adds to an immersive, entertaining, and satisfying driving experience.
In this free, 60-minute discussion, our experts Stephan Schuster and Christoph Rade explain this development, highlight opportunities, and give insights into the integrating of AI into Elektrobit’s next-generation cockpit.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • See how the digital cockpit enables enhanced expression of individuality
  • Learn how Google’s Gemini AI can be implemented for system-wide personalization
  • See how cluster instruments, powered by Epic Games’ Unreal Engine as well as Infotainment partition, powered by Android Automotive OS can be changed on natural language commands


Resource type
Webinar recording


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