EB Assist ADTF

Efficient development, visualization, testing, and validation of ADAS and automated driving functions

EB Assist ADTF combines a development environment with an interactive work environment for use cases such as in-vehicle data logging to data visualization, predevelopment, and replaying data in Hardware-in-the-Loop server farms.

Simply create new configurations to define the processing architecture. Utilize drag and drop to define the data flow between software components and immediately see the results. Open interfaces and data formats as well as custom libraries and toolboxes allow for an easy extension of EB Assist ADTF to match your specific needs.




Get your free evaluation license to experience EB Assist ADTF**

  • Experience all features of a developer license: generate, modify, maintain, and run EB Assist ADTF projects
  • Thoroughly test EB Assist ADTF before you get it for commercial purposes
  • Validation period of one month
  • Upon issuing your request, you will be individually contacted by our Sales team

*Contract must be signed with Elektrobit in order to receive license
**Export requirements must be met

Contact us for your license


Visualization and development tool developed by a Consortia of OEMS

Through collective feedback of the ADTF customer forum, EB Assist ADTF is continuously improved to cope with the latest challenges in R&D.

Supports multiple applications and use cases

From predevelopment to series production projects. From capturing data from multiple sensor sources and high-precision time stamping to visualization and data exchange. EB Assist ADTF combines development environment w/interactive work environment. It is a modular system with standard components and open interfaces to help you master your specific use case.

Optimizes multi-party projects and IP protection

The open interfaces of EB Assist ADTF provide the option to exchange components in their source format, allowing for an optimized workflow between car makers, suppliers, and further partners. To protect your intellectual property, this can also be done in binary form.

Profit from a well-matched tooling landscape

Elektrobit provides a large number of add-ons and interfaces for various use cases such as creating an electronic horizon and works with EB Data Logger solutions and HiL solutions using an AUTOSAR/ARXML toolbox. ADTF supports companies such as MATLAB, IPG Automotive and Carmaker.

We provide support from day one

With more than a decade of extensive experience in development, customer and project support, maintenance, and training, we are the leading distributor and service provider of ADTF.
Our team is happy to develop customized toolboxes and solutions for ADTF3.

Easy migration from ADTF 2 to ADTF 3

Leverage your ADTF 2 projects while starting with new ADTF 3 projects: a Support Toolbox enables ADTF 2 to communicate with ADTF 3 to exchange data, do clock synchronization, and use RPC interfaces for controlling ADTF 2 instances. Dedicated training courses make the transition even easier.


Creating a project with EB Assist ADTF 3

Learn how to easily create and process a simple project in EB Assist ADTF 3. In this example, we use an artificial intelligence-based traffic light detection algorithm for the configuration, which can serve as a key pillar for ADAS and automated driving functions.

Main features of EB Assist ADTF 3

  • Configure, debug and monitor your complete system in one combined intuitive GUI using a pre-integrated configuration editor
  • Write your own code, generate algorithms, test, debug, and visualize the outcome
  • Capture and synchronize data from multiple sensor sources such as radar, lidar, camera, etc.
  • Timestamp with highest degree of accuracy in nsec, up to 1000x time higher precision in data synchronization.
  • Play back real-time data, process and visualize petabytes of sensor data
  • CAN FD and Some/IP support by default, no implementation effort needed
  • C++ API: easy-to-use, hard-to-misuse risk of programming errors is reduced by requiring a low number of lines of code/API calls needed for standard tasks
  • Increase performance by spreading the workload across distributed systems
  • Easily swap licenses between devices for highest flexibility to safeguard and maintain licenses
  • Multithreading, multi-process concept: different processes connected via IPC (inter-process communication) running independently for high stability by separating high-priority tasks and minor tasks
  • Trigger and schedule filters with separated control flow and data flow to minimize errors
  • Manage ADTF applications remotely, including the possibility to develop tools for managing your ADTF test farm and controlling execution states.
  • Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2017 support to match your test environment

EB Assist ADTF gallery


Select your EB Assist ADTF options and stay up to date


Development license

To use EB Assist ADTF for designing and creating advanced driver assistance and automated driving solutions, choose the appropriate developer license. The development license lets you generate, modify, maintain, and run EB Assist ADTF projects.

Contact us for more information.

You can choose one of these options:

  • Node-locked: permits use of EB Assist ADTF on a single workstation
  • Floating: permits simultaneous use of EB Assist ADTF within a network in accordance with the licensed number of workstations

Run-time license

This license is restricted to load and run EB Assist ADTF system configurations generated with the development license. A ‘run-time license’ permits the use of EB Assist ADTF for the purpose of recording and analysis, without making modifications. To choose the best license for your specific needs, please contact us.

Licenses for schools and universities

We offer evaluation licenses for schools and universities for free.
EB Assist ADTF is used by over 30 universities worldwide. Contact us to get a license for your educational institution.


EB Assist ADTF Device Toolbox

Included in EB Assist ADTF 2.x
Included in EB Assist ADTF 3.x

The EB Assist ADTF Device Toolbox connects EB Assist ADTF with various hardware devices, such as:

Vector CANCard  |  Peak CAN  |  MOST Vector VN2610  |  SMSC Optolyzer  |  Vector VN3300, VN3600, VN7600  |  EberspƤcher FlexCard  |  DirectShow Video Devices  |  IDS ĀµEye  |  mvBlueFox  |  Video4Linux

EB Assist ADTF Display Toolbox

Included in EB Assist ADTF 2.x
Included in EB Assist ADTF 3.x

The EB Assist ADTF Display Toolbox offers different visualization modules, including:

3D Scene Display  |  2D Display  |  Signal View  |  Qt Display Filter  |  Scope Display  |  Table Display  |  X-Y Display

EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox

Available for EB Assist ADTF 2.x
Included in EB Assist ADTF 3.x

The EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox consists of multiple filters to support CCP / XCP communication with an ECU. The toolbox supports different bus types like CAN, FlexRay, or Ethernet.

XcpOnCanDevice  |  XcpOnEthernetDevice Filter  |  XcpOnFlexRayDevice Filter  |  XcpCodec Filter: The XcpCodec Filter is used to establish a physical connection between ADTF and an electronic control unit using the XCP Protocol.  |  CpDisplay Filter: The CpDisplay Filter is used to read and change the signal values of one or more control units

Latest product releases


EB Assist ADTF 3 Calibration Toolbox version 3.8.0 has been released

Main features:

  • Upgrade to ADTF 3.16.1
  • Provide XCP on CAN FD
  • Extend A2L parser handle BOM encoding, MATRIX_DIM and single-line comments
  • Extend guides with best practice
  • Please refer to EB Assist ADTF Calibration Toolbox 3.8.0 Changelog


This version is available on the Elektrobit Command server.


> See all product releases

Further information on EB Assist ADTF and our automated driving solutions

  • Further information