Elektrobit and AUTOSAR:
20-year anniversaries
Celebrating two decades of automotive excellence and innovation – we’re honoring the remarkable 20-year anniversaries of both AUTOSAR and EB tresos. These independent, yet influential milestones have helped shape the industry we see today, and set new standards in collaboration, standardization, and aligned vision. Elektrobit has been with AUTOSAR from the early days, and together, we celebrate these achievements, embrace the future, and will continue driving innovation for years to come.
Elektrobit’s involvement with AUTOSAR
Elektrobit is a proud, early premium member of the AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) development partnership, creating an open and standardized automotive software architecture alongside leading car makers, Tier 1 suppliers, and tool developers. With just shy of two decades of experience developing and implementing AUTOSAR basic software and tools for vehicle infrastructures, we are proud to say Elektrobit is an AUTOSAR specialist.
Our expertise spans both the Classic AUTOSAR implementation along with the Adaptive AUTOSAR standard for high-performance ECUs. As the evolution of the vehicle requires ongoing improvement in vehicle architectures, Elektrobit continues to work with our industry partners to further develop the high standards essential to the future of mobility.
Celebrating 20 years of AUTOSAR! Our team shares their thoughts on the journey:
Elektrobit’s AUTOSAR portfolio at a glance
Elektrobit offers complete product lines, EB tresos, EB corbos, and EB zentur for building safe, secure, and flexible ECU software, based on Classic and Adaptive AUTOSAR, supporting the ISO 26262 standard for functional safety.
All our products and solutions are based on state-of-the-art automotive technologies. Profit from the know-how of our experts who actively drive the development of essential technologies in the fields of AUTOSAR, Ethernet, Functional safety, and Security.
Elektrobit’s vehicle infrastructure solutions based on AUTOSAR

EB tresos product line
Efficient and scalable Classic AUTOSAR-compliant and OSEK-/VDX-compliant products for ECUs, encompassing ECU basic software, operating systems, functional safety solutions, and tools for software configuration and testing.

Adaptive AUTOSAR
EB corbos product line
Bring Adaptive AUTOSAR on the road with EB corbos products that include basic software, hypervisor, configuration tooling, and a high-performance operating system: all working together perfectly.

Embedded security
EB zentur
Secure your software infrastructure from unauthorized access with EB zentur. Elektrobit’s end-to-end security concept guarantees security in depth – from ECU to cloud.
Further information on Elektrobit’s ECU software solutions based on AUTOSAR
- Further information
- Training

EB tresos Classic AUTOSAR training
Duration: 3 days
Format: in-house and public training
This seminar provides an insight into the function and interaction of AUTOSAR software modules. In addition to the new possibilities offered by AUTOSAR applications, we will also introduce migration scenarios for existing applications.
EB tresos automotive Ethernet training
Duration: 3 days
Format: in-house and public training
This course introduces you to the physical layers, communication protocols, and how Ethernet is standardized in AUTOSAR. Learn how to build a demo application that runs on the Windows environment with EB tresos ACG.
EB corbos Adaptive AUTOSAR training
Duration: 3 days
Format: in-house and public training
Acquire a fundamental overview of the concepts, the architecture and the methodology of Adaptive AUTOSAR, deepen your theoretical knowledge in individual exercises, and learn how to use EB corbos Studio and EB corbos AdaptiveCore.
EB corbos Hypervisor training
Duration: 2 days
Format: in-house and public training
Get your hands on the EB corbos Hypervisor and gain deep knowledge about the fundamentals of a hypervisor, its architecture, and types. Understand the principles of virtualization and learn how to install and configure EB corbos Hypervisor.
Software architecture for the automotive industry training
Duration: 2 days
Format: in-house training
Acquire a deep insight into automotive software architecture and gain a profound understanding of typical problems throughout the software architecture creation process and possible solutions.