Software residing on ECUs needs to be regularly updated not only during development but also after production and throughout the vehicle’s lifetime. EB tresos ACO Bootloader enables car makers to securely update the software of Classic AUTOSAR & OSEK ECUs inside a vehicle using a downloading tool, which is connected via a communication bus (Ethernet, CAN, LIN, FlexRay) to the vehicle using the standardized UDS protocol from ISO 14229. This allows car makers to easily update the ECU during software development and add additional features for the application while reducing costs and efforts. EB delivers a fully integrated and tested EB tresos ACO Bootloader that includes a demo configuration on the project hardware/compiler. When ordered, features of the EB tresos ACO Bootloader such as memory mapping and communication identifiers are configured according to project requirements. This enables car makers to execute a complete programming sequence to download an application demo software on delivery of the product.
Software updates throughout the vehicle’s life cycle
Update ECUs during development phase and manufacturing and when the vehicle is on the road. This reduces the costs and efforts to manually fix a faulty ECU.
Leverage and benefit from high security levels
Secure boot and secure update features use state-of-the-art security algorithms to verify the authenticity and integrity of the software (BootManager, Bootloader, and/or Application) that runs on the host. SecureBoot architecture is based on EB tresos ACO Bootloader and EB zentur HSM Firmware products
Available in series production quality.
Flexibility with configurable Bootloader features
Memory mapping, communication identifiers, and other features can be configured according to project requirements
Key features of the EB tresos ACO Bootloader

- Classic ECUs software updates (AUTOSAR and OSEK)
- Secure Bootloader
- Security enhanced via AUTOSAR Crypto and HSM (data encryption, secure download)
- Fast programming updates (compression, multi-buffer updates)
- Extensions for over-the-air (OTA) software updates
- Resumable programming
- Master/satellite programming
- Primary/secondary programming
- Bootloader updater
- Standard product core for all OEMs
- Available on all common OSEK-supported automotive microcontrollers
Further information on EB tresos AUTOSAR & ECU solutions