EB tresos Embedded Hypervisor

Execute multiple virtual machines on a single microcontroller

EB tresos Embedded Hypervisor allows multiple OS and AUTOSAR stack instances to be executed in parallel on a single microcontroller (MCU) using virtualization features of modern MCUs.


Save hardware costs

Consolidate legacy applications in several VMs on one physical ECU.

Deploy mixed-criticality applications

Safely consolidate QM applications and safety applications in separate VMs and leverage microcontroller hardware support to establish freedom from interference among VMs.

Efficient communication

Controlled and safe communication between VMs is implemented via shared-memory technology and independent of the guest OS and guest bare-metal application.

Optimize resource utilization

VMs with real-time requirements are executed on dedicated cores while other VMs efficiently share cores on the same microcontroller.

Key features of the EB tresos Embedded Hypervisor

  • Executes virtual machines (VMs), consisting of operating systems and middleware for hard real-time applications.
  • Uses hardware-isolation features of the microcontroller and optionally, virtualization features of the processor cores to deploy VMs.
  • Provides safe and controlled communication services for inter-VM communication.
Embedded Hypervisor solution
Classic AUTOSAR and EB tresos Embedded Hypervisor

Further information on Elektrobit’s AUTOSAR solutions and functional safety