EB Assist

EB Assist Solution
Driving test & validation

for ADAS, UEX, HMI automotive & other mobility areas

Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) - Test solution details

Data-logging & reduction Data-logging & reduction Data-logging & reduction Rest bus simulation Data replay and simulation solution Data replay and simulation solution Mobility development environment ā€“ ADTF EB Assist Hardware Solutions

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Develop, test, visualize, validate, and build ADAS, UEX and HMI automotive & other mobility systems

Staying competitive on the road toward autonomous driving means being on the cutting edge of ADAS, UEX and HMI development.

With EB Assist Solution you will be able to accurately record and replay your vehicle sensor data like video (e.g. with EBX3 card: GMSL2/FPD3/GVIF) or bus communication (e.g. with EBX3 card: 2.5 GBASE-T1, Automotive Ethernet, CAN/CAN-FD, Flexray, DSI3, GPS) in a time synced way.

Increasingly sophisticated functions are accompanied with growing complexity and high expenses. More and more effort needs to be put into development, testing and validation activities as well as the generation of reliable data. EB Assist stands for state-of-the-art hardware and software products to successfully develop, test, visualize, validate, and build ADAS, UEX and HMI functions and systems.

Profit from a comprehensive offering and a leader in technology

Smart Logging to reduce the amount of data up to 100x : with our AI solution you are able to use object triggers to start, stop your recording and to label them live automatically while driving. Further more you will be able to compress the data lossless.

Early integration and validation of ECUs (electronic control units) is key for successful and cost-efficient development of automated vehicles.

With our data replay and simulation solutions you can test the functions, system integration, and (inter-)communication of ECUs (e. g. ADAS or Infotainment) in a simulated environment under realistic conditions facilitating the difficult and time-extensive process step of in-car-integration and -validation.

Our modular hardware and software solutions have shown their benefits in various projects with OEMs and tier-1s:
From individual test benches supporting software developers up to highly-scaled and performant HiL farms with hundreds of HiLs running 24/7 and generating KPIs for the qualification of ECUs.

HMI development & validation: with our Image Solution Box you are able to capture and stimulate display / HMI ECUs.

Customized solutions: we are developing the bus measurement devices (> 10.000 pieces) by our self and customize new modules/interfaces for your needs.

Ready-to-use system: with our modular and reusable concept we have low costs & fast delivery times.



Fast and flexible realization of your requirements

EB Assist products are perfectly suited for you to fulfill the high requirements when it comes to build flawless automated driving functions. Furthermore, our products are backed by a comprehensive in-house hardware and firmware development.

Single sourcing helps you save time and money

One contact point in case of issues relieves you of the tedious task to find the right company to solve your problem within a complex solution. One single supplier for the full tool chain of capturing and replaying software and hardware solution. Saving costs with our modular and reusable concept we have low costs & fast delivery times.

Seamlessly integrable and ready to use right from the start

High-performant, integrated, customizable, extendible hardware and software products allow the seamless integration into any desired development and test process environment, and therefore cover the whole automated driving toolchain.

Benefit from experts with extensive knowledge

Dedicated training, professional consulting, and experienced support with short respond times help you to achieve your goals. Profound engineering services suit even your most exceptional needs. Experience to build more then 10.000 bus measurement devices and 1700 data logger and >700 replay systems.


A holistic approach to support your automated driving function development

Mobility development environment – ADTF

EB Assist ADTF

Model based framework for the development, testing, validation, and visualization of ADAS, HMI, UEX and AD systems with a wide range of toolboxes available to extend system functionality.

EB Assist CAR Box

Data-logging & reduction

EB Assist Logger Solution

Accurately recording your vehicle sensor data like video or bus communication in a time synced way. Smart Logging to reduce the amount of data.

EB Assist Busmirror

Network bus simulation

EB Assist Network bus simulation

Our tool for testing in a early environment with hardware based or virtual rest bus simulation. Easy, fast and customer friendly generation of network bus simulation. Manipulate, monitor and generator your signals.

EB Assist bus tools

Automotive & mobility hardware solutions for development and testing

EB Assist Hardware Solutions

Elektrobit’s hardware solutions support your development & testing needs with an high amount of interface flexibility, benefiting from a European team of experts developing them.
EB Assist hardware can be used for a variety of use case, from Dataloggers to HiL scenarios but also for developing automotive displays and HMI controllers.

Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) simulation solution

Data replay and simulation solution

EB Assist closed & open loop replay solutions

Test functions, system integration, and communication of ECUs in a simulated environment under realistic conditions to validate your ECUs and their functionality.
From individual test benches supporting software developers up to highly-scaled and performant HiL farms with hundreds of HiLs running 24/7 and generating KPIs for the qualification of ECUs.

Further information on EB Assist

  • Further information
  • Training


Success story: Automated driving development test tools for Continental

The test and validation of automated vehicles is a complex task that requires millions of test miles to be run through and involves large amounts of data to be processed due to a high number of environmental sensors needed for automated driving. This is why Continental is expanding its global test drives and was seeking for high-performant products for data logging for its ADAS and automated driving product validation.

“We know Elektrobit as a trusted partner with deep knowledge in testing and tools development. One of the biggest projects Elektrobit realized is the measurement tool system MI5 based on our requirements for developing and testing ADAS and autonomous driving functions. Within a tight time schedule, Elektrobit developed the complete MI5 system and qualified it against our specification. Already 150 MI5s devices have been delivered within six months. A lot more will follow.”

Uwe Kuckelkorn, Head of Section ADAS Test & Validation, Continental

Read the whole story