Connecting an ECU to the Automotive Ethernet network was straight forward: one or multiple cores have been managed by a Classic AUTOSAR Operating System with an Ethernet Driver controlling the single Ethernet Interface to the network. With the introduction of high-performance computer ECUs, the situation changed. Multiple operating systems are executed in virtual machines independently from each other. This provides a clear separation and allows the execution of different types of operating systems such as a Linux-based Adaptive AUTOSAR OS and a Classic AUTOSAR OS operating in parallel on a single ECU. The number of physical ECUs can be reduced by combining them in one high-performance computer ECU.
In-vehicle networking technology addresses three emerging automotive trends requiring Ethernet speeds, including:
- The increasing integration of high-resolution cameras and sensors
- Growing utilization of powerful 5G networks
- The rise of zonal architecture in car design
Key topics and takeaways:
- Zonal architectures and challenges
- MACsec and its impact
- Hardware and software solutions for safety and security
- Intelligent software for automotive Ethernet switches
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Read also Paradigm shifts of in-vehicle communications – Infographic.

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