Invisible Container Fortress with EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu


Enabling evolution of ECU architecture

Table of contents

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Problem description
4. High-level solution
5. Solution details
6. Customer value
7. Summary
8. References


One of the draws of High-Performance Computing (HPC) for automotive is to consolidate functions onto a single ECU and utilize the synergies that it creates while still guaranteeing the independence of functions. The obvious solution is to utilize a set of features well established in Enterprise and Cloud Computing, collectively called „containers“. To achieve the maximum payoff, it is essential to be compliant with the widely established Open Container Initiative (OCI) industry standard used across all major implementations. One of the most used implementations in many applications is based on Linux.

Containers on Linux is a concept which allows a software integrator to isolate a runtime environment from the host
operating system. It’s often been used to run software inside of an enclosed environment. In the automotive industry
where different companies provide parts of the final product, this concept helps to integrate third-party software without the risk of influencing or negatively impacting other components in the system. Software manufacturers implement and test their applications as a container inside of their individual development environment and can hand over the container to system integrators without the risk of inconsistencies or unwanted side effects.


Resource type
Tech paper


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EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu


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