The software-defined motorcycle: Opportunities and evolution in the industry

The future ride is exciting, safe, and connected. Digital human-machine interfaces (HMI), electrification, advanced rider assistant systems (ARAS), enhanced infotainment and connectivity features mark the evolution of the industry.



The future ride is exciting, safe, and connected. Digital human-machine interfaces (HMI), electrification, advanced rider assistant systems (ARAS), enhanced infotainment and connectivity features mark the evolution of the industry and are only an excerpt of topics which our experts discuss in this 60-minute webinar.


Lazo Eric, Project Manager

Prashanth Kurumbudel, Lead Architect

Tommi Tallgren, Business Development Manager

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Get informed about motorcycle industry trends, and bring in your opinion.
  • Gain insights into parallels and differences to software-defined passenger vehicles.
  • Learn about technology application areas in the software-defined motorcycle.


Resource type
Webinar recording


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